International Women’s Day Survey

How well do you understand International Women's Day?

Answer the following 8 questions to discover your connection with International Women’s Day. For each question, select the option that resonates with you most. At the end, you'll get a score with tailored tips to expand your knowledge and engagement with this important day.


Count how many times you selected each letter:

Mostly A’s:

You’re a champion for women’s rights! 🎉

Score: 6–7 points

You understand and value the significance of International Women’s Day. Keep advocating for gender equality and inspiring others to join the movement!

Tip: Deepen your engagement by mentoring women, attending events, or sharing resources to educate others.

Mostly B’s:

You’re on your way to being more engaged! 💪

Score: 4–5 points

You recognize some aspects of International Women’s Day but could benefit from diving deeper into its history and goals.

Tip: Read up on inspiring women leaders and explore global campaigns for gender equality.

Mostly C’s:

It’s time to learn more about IWD! 🌱

Score: 0–3 points

It seems like International Women’s Day isn’t on your radar yet, but it’s never too late to start exploring its significance!

Tip: Learn about the struggles and achievements of women worldwide and why this day matters. Start small by attending an event or watching a documentary about women’s rights.


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